Podcast Berlin de Toi #46, January 2024
For our first podcast episode of year 2024, discover Mathilde’s professionnal routine and work environment: bring happiness in a home, build living spaces on a long term scale. She shares her story with us: her studies, her work experience and how she manages cultural differences. Listen and enjoy !
Podcast Berlin de Toi #46, January 2024
For our first podcast episode of year 2024, discover Mathilde’s professionnal routine and work environment: bring happiness in a home, build living spaces on a long term scale. She shares her story with us: her studies, her work experience and how she manages cultural differences. Listen and enjoy !
Mathilde Gudefin and Salomé Wackernagel won the National Award of Interior Design of the Mallorca Design Day in 2021 for a conceptual hotel project.
Mathilde Gudefin and Salomé Wackernagel won the National Award of Interior Design of the Mallorca Design Day in 2021 for a conceptual hotel project.